[MsgBox] 0001: MaxCrypt can not dismount a drive because it is being used! Please close any windows that are using a MaxCrypt volume and click the Retry button. 0002: No Virtual Drive info for mounted volume! Volume not unmounted! 0003: This volume is already mounted! 0004: Could not find Virtual Drive data! Volume not mounted! 0005: Failed to open connection to MaxConceal service! 0006: This user is currently logged in! Account not removed! 0007: User Removed from MaxCrypt Security Suite! 0008: Failed to remove user from MaxCrypt Security Suite! 0009: No program selected! 0010: New users are not allowed on this system! 0011: Password phrases do not match! Both passwords must match! 0012: You must enter a file name and folder for the new volume! 0013: Not enough available disk space for a volume of this size! 0014: You must enter a size for the new volume! 0015: An Error occured while trying to create the volume! 0016: Volume has been created successfully! 0017: Could not auto format new volume! 0018: An error occured while attempting to create the volume! 0019: Volume creation has been aborted! 0020: Format Failed: Failed to load file system DLL 0021: Volume does not support compression. 0022: Could not open communications pipe for help dialog! 0023: This file\\directory already exists in the list! 0024: No file\\folder selected for removal! 0025: This extension already exists in the list! 0026: Login failed! No user associated with password! 0027: This volume is already in your list! 0028: Failed to remove volume from user list! 0029: Do you want MaxCrypt to delete the volume from the computer after it is removed from this users volume list? If you choose no, the volume will be removed from the user volume list, but not deleted from the system. 0030: MaxCrypt Security Suite Online Update program failed to run! 0031: WARNING: Caps Lock is currently on. 0032: Mount failed: Could not get write access to volume file! 0033: MC2 Service could not be started! 0034: The item you are trying to add is in the Windows directory. It is recommended that you do not try to add Windows system files to the protection list. This can cause your computer to become unstable. Do you wish to add this item anyway? 0035: No user selected! 0036: A user with this password already exists on this system. New user not created! 0037: Language file failed to load! Setting language to default. 0038: Failed to load language file! 0039: You are attempting to add an entire drive to the list. It is recommended that you do not try to add the drive that contains your Windows Operating system files to the protection list. This can cause your computer to become unstable. Do you wish to add this item anyway? 0040: The password you entered is too long. The maximum password length is 32 characters. 0041: Are you sure want to delete the selected files\\directories? 0042: This BETA version has expired. Please install a release version to continue using MaxCrypt Security Suite. 0043: The minimum volume size is 10 MB. Please change the volume size. 0044: You may not add the MaxCrypt application directory to conceal list! 0045: You may not add the entire drive that contains your operating system! 0046: You may not add the Windows directory to your conceal list! 0047: Registration Failed! Invalid registration information! 0048: MaxCrypt Security Suite Professional is now Registered! [Login Box] 4999: MaxCrypt Security Suite This is the login dialog. From here you can login into your account, create a new user, or press cancel to preform no action and remove the dialog box. This dialog box can be accessed again from the quick menu in the system tray. 1001: New User Press this button to open the "Create New User" dialog box. 1002: User Password: 1003: Cancel Press this button to close this dialog box and take no action. 1004: Login Press this button, after you have entered your password, to login into MaxCrypt Security Suite. [Quick Menu] 4999: MaxCrypt Security Suite 1004: Login User 1005: Settings 1006: Exit MaxCrypt 1008: Logout User 1009: Manage Volumes 1010: Conceal Files [Create User] 4999: MaxCrypt Security Suite - Create New User This dialog will allow you to create a new MaxCrypt user. You do not need to remember your user name, but you must remember your password. VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD. The password is case sensitive, so be careful when mixing upper and lower case letters. You can use any password you want, but stong passwords will not appear in a dictionary, have a mix of upper and lower case letters, and will have both letters and numbers. 1016: Enter a User Name 1017: Enter Password for User 1018: Confirm Password for User 1019: Password Analyzer 1014: Create User Press this button to create the user. 1003: Cancel Press this button to perform no action and close the dialog. 1065: - Weak This password is not very good. 1066: - Good This password is average. 1067: - Strong This password is very good. 1068: - Bad This password is very bad. [Notification] 4999: User Logged In 1020: User Name: [Manage Volumes] 4999: MaxCrypt - Manage Volumes This dialog is used to manage your encrypted volumes. From this dialog you can mount and dismount volumes, create a new volume, add an existing volume to this user (password must be the same!), or remove a volume from this user. You can also view information about this users volumes and change some settings on how a volume is mounted. 1025: Volume Information This dialog is used to manage your encrypted volumes. From this dialog you can mount and dismount volumes, create a new volume, add an existing volume to this user (password must be the same!), or remove a volume from this user. You can also view information about this users volumes and change some settings on how a volume is mounted. 1026: Volume Label: This is the name of the volume when it is mounted. If you want to change the label of the drive, right click on the drive from the Windows file explorer or from "My Computer" and choose the "rename" option. 1028: Volume Size: This is the size in bytes of the selected volume. 1030: Volume Location: This is the location of the volume file. 1031: Create Volume Press this button to open the "Create Volume" dialog. 1032: Remove Volume Press this button to remove the selected volume from this user. 1033: Add Existing Volume Press this button to add an existing volume to this user. Any existing volume you add must have the same password as the current user! 1034: Exit Volume Manager Press this button to close this dialog. 1035: Mount Volume Press this button to mount the selected volume. 1036: Unmount Volume Press this button to dismount the selected volume. 1056: Assign First Available Drive Letter When selected, the volume will be assigned the first available drive letter (NOT A: or B:) to the mounted volume. 1052: Drive Letter You may select the drive letter that the volume will be mounted to. 1066: Auto Mount on Login If selected, this volume will be automatically mounted when the user logs into MaxCrypt Security Suite. [Create Volume] 4999: MaxCrypt - Create New Volume This dialog allows you to create new encrypted volume to be mounted. To create a volume, set the path, filename, and size of the volume and then press the "Create Volume" button. 1079: Enter the name for the volume file: 1159: Select the folder for the new volume file: 1035: Browse Set the folder for the new volume. 1039: Volume Filename and Location Set the folder for the new volume. 1040: Volume Size Set the size for the new volume. 1042: MB (Megabytes) 1044: MB (Megabytes) 1048: Create Volume Press this button to create the new encrypted volume. 1049: Volume Label This is the volume label for the new volume. 1050: Volume Description 1052: Drive Letter This is the drive letter that will be used to mount the volume. 1054: 10 MB - MIN Size 1055: UNKNOWN 1056: Assign First Available Drive Letter Select this option if you want the volume to be mounted with the first available drive letter. 1003: Cancel Press this button to perform no action and close the dialog. 1004: Reset Values Press this button to reset all the values to their defaults. 1057: Available Disk Space: This is the available disk space in the selected volume location. This represents the largest volume you can create at the current location. 1058: Volume Size: Enter the new size in Kilobytes (1024 bytes) for the new volume. 1063: Volume Mounting 1062: Auto Mount on Login Select this option if you want this volume to be automatically mounted when this user logs into MaxCrypt. [Format Volume] 4999: MaxCrypt - Creating New Volume 1003: Cancel Volume Creation 1152: During the formatting process, the entire volume is being filled with random bits. This process could take several minutes. [Hide Files] 4999: MaxConceal - Hide Files and Folders [Extension] 4999: Hide Files By Extension This dialog will allow you to enter a file extension that you wish to conceal. All files with this extension will be concealed. You will need to restart your computer before changes will take effect. 1070: OK Press this button to add the extension to your conceal list. 1003: Cancel Press this button to take no action and close this dialog. 1075: Enter the extension for the file type you want to conceal. All files on the system that have the extension will be hidden. 1077: (Example: .txt or .doc) [Delete Files] 4999: Securely deleting volume... 1070: OK 1003: Cancel [Settings] 4999: MaxCrypt Security Suite - Settings This dialog is used to change the settings for MaxCrypt, MaxConceal, and MaxDelete. 1070: OK Press this button to keep the changes you made to the settings. 1003: Cancel Press this button to discard the changes you made to the settings. 32783: About Press this button to view the about box. 1081: MaxCrypt Press this button to view the settings for MaxCrypt. 1082: MaxConceal Press this button to view the settings for MaxConceal. 1083: MaxDelete Press this button to view the settings for MaxDelete. 1084: Miscellaneous Press this button to view the miscellaneous settings. 1085: Language Press this button to view the available languages. [MC Tab] 32775: Add Account Press this button to open the "Create New User" dialog box. 32776: Remove Account Press this button to remove the selected user account from MaxCrypt. 1087: User Accounts This is a list of MaxCrypts user accounts. 1088: Allow new user accounts Select this option if you want to allow new user accounts to be created. 1093: Take action if password is incorrect Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to take action when the entered password is incorrect. 1099: Number of times incorrect Set the number of incorrect passwords to trigger the selected action. 1095: Lock Workstation This option will lock the workstation and force the user to enter the Windows password to unlock it. 1096: Logoff User This option will logoff the current user from Windows. 1097: Shutdown Computer This option will force the shutdown of Windows. 1098: Display Message This option will display a message to the user. 1100: Change Message Press this button to change the message. 1157: Logout user on screen saver activation This option will logout the current user when the screen saver is activated. [MaxConceal Tab] 1101: Hide files and folders Select this option if you want to hide the files and folders in the user conceal list. 1102: Protect files from deletion Select this option if you want to protect files from deletion. 1103: Protect files from being copied Select this option if you want to protect files from being copied. 1104: Protect files from being moved Select this option if you want to protect files from being moved. 1105: Don't allow read or write access to files Select this option if you want to protect against new files being created in protected folders. 1106: Don't allow directories to be created in protected folders Select this option if you want to protect against new directories being created in protected folders. [MaxDelete Tab] 1102: Choose type of secure deletion algorithm: 1103: DoD 5220.22 M (Fastest) This option will use the US Department of Defense (DOD) standard for deleting files. This method overwrites all addressable locations with a character, its complement, then a random character and verifies the result. This is the fastest and least secure method for securely deleting files. 1104: Guttman This option will use the Guttman method for deleting files. This method uses 22 overwrite patterns and 13 random patterns to securely destory data. This is one of the most effective deletion methods known to date. You can read the full Guttman research paper in the MaxCrypt help system. 1105: 10 Rounds Select this option to conduct 10 rounds of Guttman deletion on the selected files. 1106: 20 Rounds Select this option to conduct 20 rounds of Guttman deletion on the selected files. 1107: 35 Rounds (Slowest, Most Secure) Select this option to conduct the full and recommended 35 rounds of Guttman deletion on the selected files. This option is the slowest but most secure method of deletion. 1157: Ask for user confirmation before deletion If this option is set, MaxDelete will display a confirmation dialog to insure that the user wants to delete the selected files. [Misc Tab] 1109: Empty Recycle Bin on system shutdown Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to empty the recycle bin on system shutdown. 1110: Clear Windows Swap/Paging file on system shutdown Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to clear the Windows Swap/Paging file on system shutdown. 1111: These three options may cause your computer to shutdown more slowly 1112: Clear recent document history on system shutdown Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to clear the recent document history on system shutdown. 1113: Add Windows startup security banner Select this option if you want to display a security banner on system startup. 1114: Change Message Press this button to change the message on the security banner. 1128: Automatically Check for updates online Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to automatically check for updates online. 1131: Check for updates every This option lets you check the number of days inbetween update checks. 1130: Check Now Press this button to have MaxCrypt check for updates now. 1091: Run MaxCrypt on system startup Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to start automatically when Windows starts. 1092: Show MaxCrypt login box on startup Select this option if you want MaxCrypt to display the login box when it starts. 1157: Display MaxCrypt icon in system tray (Quick Menu Icon) Select this option if you want the MaxCrypt icon to be displayed in the system tray. This icon is used to access the Quick Menu. [Language Tab] 1115: English Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to English. 1116: Spanish Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Spanish. 1117: German Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to German. 1118: French Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to French. 1119: Portuguese Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Portuguese. 1120: Italian Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Italian. 1121: Dutch Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Dutch. 1122: Greek Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Greek. 1123: Chinese - Simple Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Chinese - Simple. 1124: Russian Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Russian. 1125: Korean Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Korean. 1126: Japanese Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Japanese. 1128: Chinese - Traditional Select this option to change the current MaxCrypt language to Chinese - Traditional. 1171: Please contact us if you would like to help translate MaxCrypt into another language. [About] 4999: About 1136: Company Information 1137: KinoCode, Inc. 1138: www.kinocode.com 1139: Program Information 1132: MaxCrypt 1133: MaxConceal 1134: MaxDelete 1140: Close Close the about box. 1141: Copyright (c) 1999 - 2006 KinoCode, Inc. 1170: MaxCrypt Security Suite 1004: Enter Key 1174: License Type: [MaxDelete Dialog] 4999: MaxDelete: Deleting Files... 206: Processing Files... 209: OK 204: Cancel 208: The following files could not be deleted! [Login Msg Dlg] 4999: MaxCrypt Security Suite - Failed Login Message 1070: OK 1003: Cancel [Banner Msg Dlg] 4999: MaxCrypt Security Suite - Startup Banner Message 1070: OK 1003: Cancel [Help Box] 4999: Quick Help [MaxConceal Info] 4999: MaxConceal Info 1070: OK 1155: All files and folders that you have entered will be protected by the options set in the settings. MaxConceal will protect your files and folders when you are not logged into MaxCrypt. 1156: Do not display this notification next time you exit this dialog. [Getting Started] 4999: Getting Started 1160: Click on the MaxCrypt icon in the windows system tray to access the MaxCrypt Quick Menu 1157: Do not display this dialog next time MaxCrypt starts 1071: Quick Tutorials 1070: OK [Enter Key] 4999: Enter Registration Key 1021: Enter Name Registered As: 1168: Enter Product Key: 1003: Cancel 1169: Register [Upgrade_1] 4999: Upgrade Notification 1003: Cancel 1164: Upgrade 1166: More Information 1004: Enter Key 1172: If you already have a license key click on "Enter Key" to upgrade. 1165: This feature is not included in the Standard version of the MaxCrypt Security Suite. If you would like to hide files by extension, please upgrade to the Professional version. 1167: Click on "More Information" to learn about the benefits of upgrading to the Professional version or click on "Upgrade" to purchase a copy now. [Upgrade_2] 4999: Upgrade Notification 1003: Cancel 1164: Upgrade 1166: More Information 1004: Enter Key 1172: If you already have a license key click on "Enter Key" to upgrade. 1165: Folders can not be added to the conceal list in the Standard version of the MaxCrypt Security Suite. If you would like to add folders to the conceal list, please upgrade to the Professional version. 1167: Click on "More Information" to learn about the benefits of upgrading to the Professional version or click on "Upgrade" to purchase a copy now. [Upgrade_3] 4999: Upgrade Notification 1003: Cancel 1164: Upgrade 1166: More Information 1004: Enter Key 1172: If you already have a license key click on "Enter Key" to upgrade. 1165: Volumes larger than 100 MB can not be created on the Standard version of the MaxCrypt Security Suite. If you would like to create larger volumes, please upgrade to the Professional version. 1167: Click on "More Information" to learn about the benefits of upgrading to the Professional version or click on "Upgrade" to purchase a copy now. [Upgrade_4] 4999: Upgrade Notification 1003: Cancel 1164: Upgrade 1166: More Information 1004: Enter Key 1172: If you already have a license key click on "Enter Key" to upgrade. 1165: Multiple volumes are not supported in the Standard version of the MaxCrypt Security Suite. To create multiple volumes, please upgrade to the Professional version. 1167: Click on "More Information" to learn about the benefits of upgrading to the Professional version or click on "Upgrade" to purchase a copy now. [Upgrade_5] 4999: Upgrade Notification 1003: Cancel 1164: Upgrade 1166: More Information 1004: Enter Key 1172: If you already have a license key click on "Enter Key" to upgrade. 1165: Alternate volume locations are not supported in the Standard version of the MaxCrypt Security Suite. To change the location of volumes, please upgrade to the Professional version. 1167: Click on "More Information" to learn about the benefits of upgrading to the Professional version or click on "Upgrade" to purchase a copy now. [Upgrade_6] 4999: Upgrade Notification 1003: Cancel 1164: Upgrade 1166: More Information 1004: Enter Key 1172: If you already have a license key click on "Enter Key" to upgrade. 1165: The advanced Guttman secure deletion algorithm is not supported in the Standard version of the MaxCrypt Security Suite. To use the Guttman algorithm, please upgrade to the Professional version. 1167: Click on "More Information" to learn about the benefits of upgrading to the Professional version or click on "Upgrade" to purchase a copy now.